Saturday, October 22, 2022

Indian Legends of Yellow Hair: King of the Mound Builders


Indian Legends of Yellow Hair: King of the Mound Builders


     A tall Chief with yellow hair ruled over them and for ages, they fought off the red men and held the fisheries of the falls and the hunting grounds for their own. The sun was the god they worshiped, and he appeared to have blessed them with peace and plenty. Yellow Hair our people called the Chief, who was a giant. The Chiefs or Kings must have maintained the great stature by intermarrying in the royal family, probably killing all the females except just enough to perpetuate, the race. 
   But our people had long viewed the land from afar and they determined to possess it. The Chief at that time was Hawk Wing, the line through which I come. He sent spies to make overtures to the strange white people and they visited Yellow Hair and told him the Shawnees wanted to share with them the fisheries and the hunting grounds.
    Yellow Hair listened to their statements and then told them that there was just enough for the white people and that he and his people preferred to live by themselves. Then the Ambassadors of the Shawnees said that if the white people would not submit peacefully to having them as neighbors, they would slay them and take their possessions.