Sunday, February 12, 2023

Burial Mound in Fort Wayne, Indiana on the St. Joseph River. Update Now Destroyed by Indiana University Archaeologists!


Burial Mound in Fort Wayne, Indiana on the St. Joseph River. Update: Now Destroyed by University Archaeologists 

A burial mound that has been partially submerged from the St. Joseph River dam can be seen from the shore on Purdue University's campus. I recently went back to the site to find that university archaeologists have all but destroyed this historic treasure.  A 2,000 year old solar henge was also photographed on the St. Joseph River : Fort Wayne's Ancient Sun Temple Henge 200 B.C.

The History of Allen County, Indiana, 1888:

Prehistoric Remains” by R. S. Robertson

Still further down the river, on the east side, at the mouth of Breckenridge Creek, is a single Indian mound, which has not been opened except a slight excavation in its side, which developed the customary lumps of charcoal. This point is about four miles north of Ft. Wayne and is the most southerly point in the county at which mounds and earthworks are known to exist.