Nephilim Giant Discovered in Japan with Megalithic Stone Circle
Stone circle in Japan is evidence that the megalithic builders once inhabited the Islands. In Japanese history they were known as the Ainu, who were known for their white complexion and large size. For the complete history of the megalithic builders : Origins of the Megalithic Builders
News, July 13, 1918
of Early Japanese show Their Great Height
human skeletons were unearthed in the provinve of Kawachi. This is
considered the birthplace of Japanese Civilization. Of the relics of
the Japanese stone age discovered by Professor Okushi three of the
skeletons were in perfect preservation all bones being intact. East
and West News says it
rarely happens according to scientific records that so many perfect
skeletons are discovered in one place.
Among indications that people of that period lived on uncooked
food is the fact that upper and lower teeth are evenly worn down.
Decayed teeth are not found. The bony structure of the skeletons is
massive, shin bones in most cases are somewhat flat. Some of these
skeletons stand seven feet high and even shorter ones are over six
feet. Skeletons were found in a lying position with knees drawn up.
Without doubt these people belonged to the stone age in Japan.
While making the excavation stone implements, earthenware and two
copper arrowheads were found. Two white jade earrings were
discovered which may be Chinese in origin.