Monday, September 26, 2011

Massive Human Skull of a Nephilim Giant Uncovered in Jerusalem

Nephilim Giants Skull Uncovered In Jerusalem 

A rare skull type called "Dinaric" has been  found in Jerusalem the British Isles and the Ohio Valley. The Dinaric were part of the  accounted giants in the Bible, known as the Nephilim.  Their massive  skeletons have been found within burial mounds across the extent of Europe.  As the giants pushed west in to England in  search of copper and tin in the emerging Bronze Ageof they would be known to archaeologists as the  Beaker People who are best known for their construction of Stonehenge.  
   One of these gigantic Nephilim skulls was uncovered in Jerusalem , giving credibility to the Biblical stories of the tribe of giants, known as the Amorites, whom the Dinarics belonged. Other giant peoples described in the Bible, were known as the  Gibborim, Avim, Emmin or Zanzumins.
     The Bronze Age in Britain, “The Dinaric form a rare group in the world with a cranial length of 184 mm and a index over 80. This peculiarity they share with the few known Brachycephalic crania of the Upper Palaeolithic. Again reminiscent of the Upper Palaeolithic skulls in the ruggedness of muscular marking, the prominence of the brow-ridge and occipital lines and the depth and breadth of the mandible.” The only other population group with this type of skull were the Allegewi mound builders of the Ohio Valley.
Nephilim giants skulls from England and the Ohio Valley.   The photo is from "The Nephilim Chronicles: Fallen Angels in the Ohio Valley."the Ohio Valley."
   Also from "The Nephilim Chronicles: Fallen Angles in the Ohio Valley."    "The Dinaric spread through conquest out of the Caucasus into central Germany to Northern France. From France, the Dinarics advanced into the British Isles. Another group of seafaring Dinarics is found throughout the Mediterranean. There is evidence that the Dinarics were in the Levant at the time of the Amorites. Several of the Dinaric skulls were found in Palestine and Israel, that at first were believed to be Peruvian skulls, however identical skulls were found and it was realized that these unique head shapes represented a different type of people. One of these skulls was found in Damascus, within the realm of the Amorites and Og.
      One of these Dinaric skulls was discovered by Prof. Retzius, who described it in the Proceeding of the Royal Academy of Science, 1902 “adducing arguments to strengthen that supposition. A Peruvian skull which had been brought to Europe as a curiosity during the reign of Charles V. and afterwards thrown aside. His communication appeared in Muller's "Archive fur Anatomie" The opinion of the learned traveller was, however, subsequently reversed by the discovery at Atzgerdorf, near Vienna, of another simular cranium. More recently others have come to light at the Vollage of St. Roman in Savoy, and in the Valley of the Doub near Mandense. Dr. Fitzinger has probably investigated this subject with more thoroughness than any other writer, and has shown in his articles in the "Transactions of the Imperial Academy of Vienna", that this custom was native to the Scythian region in the vicinity of the Moetian Moor, and prevailed in the Caucasus and along the shores of the Black and Caspian seas and the Bosphorus. One of these deformed skulls was discovered in 1856 by J. Hudson Barclay, in a large cavern near the Damascus Gate at Jerusalem. The skull was of unusually large size and decayed, but the skull, which was pretty well preserved, was brought to this country and is preserved in the collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Pennsylvania.”