121 Indian burial mounds photographed in Ohio.
Many of these sites are designated as "Address Restricted." I lifted this veil of secrecy so that you can see ALL of ancient Ohio.
222 burial mound and earthwork sites in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Michigan.
Photographs from The Nephilim Chronicles: A Travel Guide to the Ancient Ruins in the Ohio Valley
Aberdeen Burial Mound
Located in Aberdeen, Brown County like many of the burial mounds in Ohio are not maintained and overgrown
Adena Burial Mound
An Adena burial mound that is 27 ft. high and 140 ft. in diameter, and was surrounded by a circular embankment. It is within Adena State Memorial. It was destroyed by the Ohio Historical Society.
Austin Brown Burial Mound
Located in Chillicothe, Ross County this massive burial mound was scheduled to be destroyed by the Ohio Historical Society, but a cave-in during the dig nearly killed one of the grave robbers and the work was halted
Benham Burial Mound
Burial mound Located near Cincinnati.
Blackwater Earthwork Henge Group
Nothing was done to preserve this earthwork group in Chillicothe, Ohio.
To the north of the previous group, Squire and Davis diagrammed two additional works, one of which is revealed in this photo as a large 210 foot diameter henge. Few sites represent the complete ignorance and lack of any respect for Ohio's antiquities as this site that continues to be destroyed by farming with no efforts by the Ohio Historical Society to restore this National Treasure.
Blennerhassett Island Overlook Burial Mound
A mound just west of Belpre, Washington County.
Bone Mound II
Located in Oregonia, Warren County.
Buffington Island Burial Mound
Also known as Price Mound. It is about 20 ft. high and 125 ft. in diameter.
Calvary Cemetery EnclosureAn enclosure partly in Carrillon Historical Park, Dayton. Only a section of the northern wall exsists. To view the remaining section, enter the Calvary Cemetery off of South Dixie Ave., and drive to the northern most section. You can clearly see it behind a line of trees.
Carl Potter Burial Mound
Located in Mechanicsburg, Champaign County.
Cedar-Bank Works
Parts of this earthwork are still visible in Ross County, but like everything else in Ohio it is not marked nor preserved.
Charles Metzger Mound
Located in Chillicothe, this burial mound was leveled by the Ohio Historical and then poorly reconstructed.
Cincinnati Enclosure
The principal earthen wall in now Cincinnati Ohio
Coe Burial Mound
Burial mound in Columbus, Ohio
Col. Johnston Works
Was on left bank of Great Miami River, 2.5 miles above Piqua, upon the farm of Col. John Johnston
Conrad Burial Mound Archaeological Site
Located in Cleves, Hamilton County.
Coon Hunters Burial Mound
Located in Carroll, Fairfield County.
David Stitt Burial Mound
Located in Chillicothe. Was entered on the National Register of Historic Places on 11-09-1972.
Dawes Arboretum Burial Mound
This believed to be Adena subconical mound is about 4 ft. high and about 30 ft. across. It occupies the highest point on the grounds. Just north of Jacksontown, Licking County.
Dayton Power and Light Company Mound
Located in Wrightsville, Adams County.
Cemetery Burial Mound in Butler County
Demoret Burial Mound
located in Ross, Butler County.
Dixon Burial Mound
Also known as Williamson Mound. Located in Licking County on private property. This conical mound is 15 ft. high and 80 ft. in diameter
Dunlap's Works
Located 6 miles noth of Chillicothe. Consisted of a 13-acre square connected to a circle, a small rectangle, an avenue of 2 parallel embankments (1,130 ft. long), and 8 mounds. Nothing seems to exsist.
Dunns Pond Burial Mound
Dunns Pond, near the SE corner of Indian Lake, Logan County.
Eagle Township Works I Burial Mound
Located in Fincastle, Brown County. The mound, which is one Ohio's largest, is now being plowed and farmed and on its way to being destroyed.
Edgington Burial Mound
Also known as Adomeit Mound and Neville Burial Mound.
Edith Ross Burial Mound
Located in Laurelville, Hocking County. Behind this mound on the hill in the background is one of Ohio'slargest and most incredible burial mounds.
Elk Lick Road Burial Mound
Evans Mound. Located near the picnic area in the southern part of East Fork State Park. This is a good example of why you should not go to Ohio in the summer months to visit the mounds and earthworks.
Enon Burial Mound
Enyart Burial Mound
Located in the Indian Creek Preserve in Reily, Butler County.is a small mound that dug in to by archaeologist and supposedly "restored." The mound is only a few feet in height, that was originally six. You can still see where the archaeologist dug and threw the dirt out of the hole.
Etna Township Mounds, Licking County.
Fairfield Township Works I
Located within the Rentschler Forest Preserve in Butler county Ohio is one of the best preserved and most noteable earthworks. The two serpent heads facing central sun disc is still well defined.
One of Ohio's best earthwork sites located in Butler County, Ohio is not maintianed but visible in the winter months. Signs should be posted at these sites for people to not walk on the earthwork itself.
Fairmount Burial Mound
On the grounds of the Fairmount Presbyterian Church, it is one of the few maintained mounds in Ohio because the Ohio Historical Society is not responsible for it.
Ferris Owen Burial Mound
Located in Newark, Licking County at the entrance of the main building at Newark High School.
Feurt Burial Mounds and Village
Located in Portsmouth.
Fort Ancient
The Hopewell Indians lived here from 100 B.C.-500 A.D.
Two mounds at the gateway of Fort Ancient. The Ohio Historical Society charges 7.00 to get inside, but you can see plenty from the outside.
Fort Hill
Fort Hill was constructed to represent a serpent.
Fort Hill is not maintained and there not even a sign to direct you up the hill. If you go in the summer you will not be able to see anything.
Fortner Burial Mounds
Two mounds located behind some houses in Pinkerington, Fairfield County.
Frankfort Works Mound
Located in Frankfort, Ross County. This work used to consist of a 27 acre square connected to two large circles.
Only one of the 8 mounds that were in the enclosure can currently be seen.
George Deffenbaugh Burial Mound
Located in Laurelville, Hocking County.
Ohio's most magnificent mound and earthwork sites has had a lot of damage done from idiots at the Ohio Historical Society. The map is wrong , there is actually four gateways that correspond to the cardinal points.
Glenford Fort
Located in Glenford, Perry County, on private property. It is a 27-acre Hopewell culture hilltop enclosure of sandstone boulders, not earthworks, in use between 100 B.C.-500 A.D.
Much of the central stone mound was recently destroyed by an Ohio archaeologist without the owners permission.
Great Butler Mound
This large burial mound in Butler county has the appearance of having two peaks which is due to the Ohio Historical Society trenching through the middle of it.
Great Circle Earthworks
The earthwork complex at Newark Ohio was dedicated to both the Moon and Earth Mother Goddess. The octagon is aligned to the minumum and maximum moon sets that occur over an 18 year period. The large henge to the south is aligned to the May 1 sunrise.
Newark Circular Henge is best seen in the winter months. It is maintained by the Ohio Historical Society who lets the ditches grow thick in grass obstructing its view.
Newark Octagon
The Newark, Ohio octagon is best viewed in the winter months when there are no golfers. It is well maintained in the summer also by the golf coarse and another example of why all of Ohio's earthworks should be managed and
maintained and preserved by the private sector.
High Bank Works
The Highbanks works is nearly identical to the Newark works but is turned 90 degrees to align to the winter and summer solstice.
The highbank work is still visible from this aerial photo. Ohio lets archaeologists come to this site from all over the country to destroy what little remains of this National Treasure. Arrows at the bottom show that parts of the sacred via may still be visible from ground level.
Highbanks Earthworks
Located in Highbanks Metro Park, north of Columbus, Ohio
The Highbank work was constructed by the Iroquois about 800 A.D. Two early Iroquois burial mounds are also within the park. The Iroquois had assimilated many of the Adena burial and material culture and is many times misidentified by archaeologist.
Hillside Haven Burial Mound
Burial mound in Clinton county was an ossuary that contained many burials until being desecrated by archaeologists.
A small serpent mound is located next the burial mound, part of it has been destroyed by archaeologists.
There are additional serpentine works around this site.
Hope Furnace Burial Mound
A 3 ft. high, 40 ft. diameter mound within Lake Hope State Park, Vinton County.
Hopeton Work
Hopeton earthwork is one example of how the Adena Hopewell had knowledge of high mathematics to be able to square a circle, where the circle and the square have equal areas. The alignment of the work was to the summer and
winter solstice.
Horn Burial Mound
Located in Tarlton, Pickaway County, this is one of Ohio's largest burial mounds that can be seen from miles away. Of course, there are no signs designating it as a burial mound.
Hueston Woods Park Burial Mound
This burial mound is overgrown in the summer months and best
Located in the Taft Reserve, Licking County it is in a ruined state from excavations by an archaeologist. Another mound is visible within this park.
Hurley Burial Mound
Located in Lumberton, Clinton County. This mound is slowly eroding down the cliff.
Indian Mound Park
Located in Columbus.
(nothing to see)
Infirmary Mound
south of Granville, Licking County.
(nothing to see)
Junction Group
Located two miles southwest of Chillicothe in a field that continues to be plowed.
Karshner Burial Mound
Located in Laurelville, Hocking County. This is sometimes called the top hat mound.
Keiter Mound
Located in Wilmington, Clinton County.
Kinder Mound (Hill-Kinder Burial Mound)
Mound in Franklin, Warren County, heavily overgrown.
Kinzer Burial Mound
Located in South Salem, Ross County.
Lake Ridge Island Mounds
Located in Russells Point, Logan County
Landen Mounds
Two mounds located in Warren County.
Liberty Works
Located in Section 10 of Liberty Twsp., Ross County. A large burial mound was still extant a few years ago but has been leveled by the Ohio Historical Society. The map above was from "Ancient Monuments," 1848 and was printed backward. So zealous was the archaeologist to dig and destroy they never even realized it until a couple of years ago, and their revision was still wrong!
This aerial photo shows the correct position of the works with the square to the south. An undiscovered sacred via can be seen in the northwest corner of the square. Part of the smaller 800 foot diameter circles outline can be seen across the road.
Luther List Burial Mound
Located in Circleville, Pickaway County.
Mann Burial Mound
Located in Jacksonburg, Butler County this is Ohio's largest remaining stone mound.
Madisonville Site
Mariemont Embankment overlooking the Little Miami River is left covered in growth.
Marietta Earthworks
A group of earthworks and mounds in Marietta.
The large mound is encircled by a ditch.
One of the several platform mounds that can still be seen in this complex and is evidence that the Sioux Hopewell inhabited this sites until the Mississippian Era.
Markham Burial Mound
Located in Zaleski, Vinton County.
McLaughlin Burial Mound
Located in Mount Vernon, Knox County.
Melick Burial Mound
Located, Licking County.
Miami Fort
Located in Shawnee Lookout Park, Hamilton County overlooking the confluence of the Great Miami and Ohio Rivers. The undulating wall of the earthwork was constructed to represent a serpent. The interior ditch of the work is very similar to Fort Hill. Burial mounds used to be visible inside of the work but have all been destroyed by an archaeologist.
Looking towards the gateway to the north where a sacred via leads down the hill.
Miamisburg Burial Mound
Ohio's largest Adena mound that is over 70 feet in height.
Mound Cemetery Burial Mound
Mound Cemetery Mound is located near Chester
Mound City
Mound City is located in Chillicothe, Ohio. All of the mounds have been previously leveled and the artifacts sold to museums in England.
The site was poorly reconstructed by the Ohio Historical Society and the DNR . If you go in the summer only the middle of the site is mowed and the mounds visible.
Nashport Burial Mound
Located in, Muskingum County.
Nettle Lake Burial Mound Group
Located in Nettle Lake, Williams County. Mound groups f 5 were prevalent in the lakes area of northern Ohio and Indiana and Michigan, this is the only one left except for a group in Michigan that has all but bee n destroyed by archaeologists.
Norwood Burial Mound
A burial mound can be seen in the suburb of Norwood.
Octagon Earthworks
The Octagon Earthworks are part of the Newark Earthworks complex of prehistoric Sioux Hopewell. The work is aligned to the minimum and maximum moon sets over an 18 year period. The 8 mounds are symbolic of the 8 phases of the moon.
Odd Fellows Cemetery Burial Mounds
Adena burial mounds in the Flagstone Cemetery in Newtown, Hamilton County.
Old Maid's Orchard Burial Mound
Located in Lithopolis, Fairfield County.
Orators Burial Mound
While this mound may appear unimpressive, it is a key to understanding the mound builders' culture and the icons that represent the Earth Mother.
Blood Spring is located next to the previous mound and represents one of the Holy of Hollies of the mound builders
Piketon Burial Mounds
The mounds at Piketon gives the observer an opportunity to see the evolution of some of the larger burial mounds built by the Adena. The cluster of small mounds would have been capped with earth and a large mound erected over the top. Another large mound once existed in the cemetery.
Pollock Earthworks
Located in Indian Mound Park near Cedarville, Greene County is an enclosure overlooking the river that has serpentine elements.
Much of this work has been destroyed and excavated over and over as this photo reveals.
Porteus Burial Mound
Adena mound Located south of Coshocton
Portsmouth Mound Park
The Portsmouth works extend into Kentucky. Little or nothing has been preserved, but it is believed that pockets of this earthwork that extended over 20 miles might still exist. The square work is still partially preserved on private property.
The horseshoe-shaped work is still visible in the city of Portsmouth and give some perspective of how massive this work was.
Raleigh Burial Mound
Located in Fredericktown, Knox County, the trench through the middle is diagnostic of an early Ohio Historical Society dig and destroy mission.
Ranger Station Mound
Burial mound located at Zaleski Forest preserve.
Ratcliffe Burial Mound (Radcliff Mound)
Located in Londonderry, this is the mound prior to the Ohio Hsitorical Societies work.
This is what the mound looks like today, much reduced from its original height
Reeves Burial Mound
Located in Meigs County this is likely an Adena burial mound
Reily Cemetery Burial Mound
Located in Reily Cemetery in Butler County.
Located in Elizabethtown, Hamilton County. Was entered on the National Register of Historic Places on 3-04-1975.
Seip Mound and earthwork
Seip Burial Mound is the central mound in a group of geometric earthworks. This mound was leveled and then reconstructed, but how accurate is unknown.
A very small part of the earthwork was restored to a fraction of its original size. The large mound is in the background.
Serpent Mound
An effigy mound in the shape of a serpent. Located in Locust Grove, Adams County. It is 1,332 feet long
Shorts Woods Park Mound
Located in Sayler Park, Hamilton County.
Shrum Mound
One of the few mounds left in the City of Columbus , Ohio
Located in Warrenton, Jefferson County. Was entered on the National Register of Historic Places on 9-05-1975.
Located in Ashland, Ashland County. Was entered on the National Register of Historic Places on 1-31-1976.
Spruce Hill Fort
Spruce Hill is mysterious stonework in the shape of a serpent where the stones show evidence of fires that were so hot that some of the stones are fused together.
Dips in the stone wall at Spruce Hill are aligned to solar events. The work overlooks the Paint Creek Valley and the may earthworks would have bee visible from high atop this hill.
Stackhouse Mound and Works
This Adena mound and earthwork are in Fredericktown, Knox County. The outer wall undulates representing a serpent with a gateway that is aliged to the equinox sunrise
Story Mound
This is what the Story mound looked like prior to being excavated by the Ohio Historical Society
Today the mound is much reduced and sits on a circular platform that is the original mound.
Stubbs Earthworks
This is a diagram of the Stubbs earthwork
A Hopewell earthwork and mound in Morrow, Warren County. Only the "effigy" mound remains on the grounds of the Little Miami High School.
This is supposedly a part of the effigy within the earthwork?
Tarlton Cross Mound
Located within Cross Mound Park, just north of Tarlton, Fairfield County.
The cross is visible today along with a stone mound and an earthen mound.
Located in Bainbridge, Ross County, just west of Seip and Spruce Hill, the mound is located on the road south that will take you to Fort Hill. It is overgrown and no sign designates and is a good example of how clueless the Ohio Historical Society is about the Ancient world of the mound builders.
Tick Ridge Burial Mound District
Located in Pickaway County.
Tremper Mound and Works
Effigy mound located near Portsmouth, Ohio
The Tremper mound is listed on every Rand McNally map as a tourist destination, with this lump in the field all that is visible.
Tiltonsville Cemetery Burial Mound
Also known as Hodgen's Cemetery Burial Mound.
Located in Newark at the High School
Voss Burial Mound
Located within Battelle-Darby Creek Metro Par
W.C. Clemmons Burial Mound
Located in Fox, Pickaway County.
Williamson Burial Mound
Located in Indian Mound Park near Cedarville, Greene County a short distance from the Pollock works. The mound is overgrown in the summer and best viewed in the winter months
Winameg MoundsLocated in Delta, Fulton County. (archaeologists destroyed all remnants of this site)
Winchester Works Mound
Winchester Works Mound
Located a short distance north of Winchester, Adams County. An earthwork very similar to the Pollock works was also here but destroyed.
Wolfes Plains Group
Located just south of Chauncey, Athens County. Several of the henges can be sen in fields that are still being plowed.Wolfes Plains Group
The largest burial mound at the Plains is still visible
A group of 6 burial mounds in a park
Wright Earthworks
Newark Earthworks State Memorial, this 50-foot long segment is one side of a large square enclosure that was an important feature of the original complex.
Athens Ohio Mound
Adena burial mound located in Athens County Ohio
Adena burial mound located in Athens County, Ohio
The burial mound at New Marshfield in Athens county, Ohio.
Burial mound in Athens county that has been excavated by the Ohio Historical Society and left in a ruined state.
Burial mound in Athens county Ohio that is not listed as a historical site.
Several mounds that have been plowed for years can be seen in a field in Athens county, Ohio. These mounds are not listed as a historic site.
Another example of the poor priority that these ancient mounds have in Athens county, and the state of Ohio. This is not listed as a historic site.
Small burial mound in Brown county, Ohio
Burial mound located in Delaware County, Ohio
Large Adena burial mound in Fairfield County, Ohio
Dublin, Ohio in Franklin County Ohio Henge Site
Part of the henge can still be seen in this yard in Dublin Ohio. The site is not listed as a historical site located north of Columbus, Ohio
Burial mound and earthwork in Worthington in Franklin county, Ohio nesar Columbus, Ohio
Worthington mound in Columbus, Ohio
Burial mound in Gallia county, Ohio in Gallipolis
Burial mounds on the former Antioch College campus at Yellow Springs, Ohio in Greene county.
Burial mound that has been heavily damaged by the cemetery in Mt. Vernon Ohio
Burial mound in the Eaton Cemetery in Preble county.
Burial mound in Preble county, near Camden.
Burial mound near Londonderry in Ross County, Ohio
Henge group in Chillicothe, Ohio
One of the henges can still be seen in this back yard above Waters St.
Known as the North Fork Works in Ross county, Ohio
Part of the earthwork can still be at the top of the hill but there is no sign designating where the earthwork is. Markers around the site would indicate that the Ohio Historical society along with the DNR plans on destroying the last of this work.
Baum Works located on Paint Creek in Ross County, Ohio
Plowed for years the outlines of the Baum works can still be seen from this aerial photo
Large burial mound in Vinton County, Ohio
Two large Indian burial mounds are located north of Fort Hill in Pike County, Ohio that are currently being destroyed as the source of fill dirt.
Indian Burial mound in Hocking County, Ohio next to the Bethel Church
Indian Burial mound located in the Hocking State Forest in Hocking County
A well-preserved hilltop enclosure in located in Germantown, Ohio
The serpentine gateway of the Germantown work is identical to the Spruce Hill stone enclosure
Burial mound that has been heavily damaged by the cemetery in Mt. Vernon Ohio
Burial mound in the Eaton Cemetery in Preble county.
Burial mound in Preble county, near Camden.
Burial mound near Londonderry in Ross County, Ohio
Henge group in Chillicothe, Ohio
One of the henges can still be seen in this back yard above Waters St.
Known as the North Fork Works in Ross county, Ohio
Part of the earthwork can still be at the top of the hill but there is no sign designating where the earthwork is. Markers around the site would indicate that the Ohio Historical society along with the DNR plans on destroying the last of this work.
Baum Works located on Paint Creek in Ross County, Ohio
Plowed for years the outlines of the Baum works can still be seen from this aerial photo
Large burial mound in Vinton County, Ohio
Two large Indian burial mounds are located north of Fort Hill in Pike County, Ohio that are currently being destroyed as the source of fill dirt.
Indian Burial mound in Hocking County, Ohio next to the Bethel Church
Indian Burial mound located in the Hocking State Forest in Hocking County
A well-preserved hilltop enclosure in located in Germantown, Ohio
The serpentine gateway of the Germantown work is identical to the Spruce Hill stone enclosure