Thursday, December 27, 2012

Blood Types and the Origins of the Nephilim

Blood Types and the Origins of the Nephilim

What are the origins of the Nephilim Giants?  As theorized in "The Nephilim Chronicles: Fallen Angels in the Ohio Valley." Homo heidelbergensis had to be in the genetic mix because of their great size. According to this short video, they concur that Homo heidelbergensis mixed with Neanderthal to create the CroMagnon who were also very large, with many of their skeletal remains being around 7 feet in length.

Was this the genetic manipulation that is written of in Genesis 6 to create the giant Nephilim? Was it the Fallen Angels that wanted to create this warrior elite that would conquer the earth and propagate their blood line?

This chart shows the "known" "evolution" sequence starting  with Australopithecus, on the left Paranthropus, Homo erectus, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo neanderthalensis and Homa sapiens. Clearly, Homo heidelbergensis is the largest of all known prehistoric skeletal types.