Kanawha Valley "Occupied by a Fierce Race of White Warriors" According to the Shawnee Indians: Deny Building the Mounds and Earthworks.
A persistent legend exists among the Shawnee Indians in West Virginia that it was once inhabited by a white skinned people in prehistoric times who were eventually vanquished by the Indians. A giant is uncovered in a West Virginia burial mound by a noted archaeologist www.nephilimgiants.net : Noted Archaeologists Measures West Virginia Skeleton at 7 feet, 2 inches.
Fayette County, West Virginia History 1888
The late Dr. Buster who was among the first white residents of the Kanawha valley, resided at the foot of this mountain, (mountain dividing the waters of Loup and Armstrong Creek), on the south bank of this river, during a long and active life. No white man had ever occupied the ground upon which his father built his cabin, according to record; and the history of the pale face here, is absolutely complete within this family. Paddy Huddleton, probably the first white settler within the limits of Fayette County, lived just up and from his house Daniel Boone had trapped beaver. In my last interview, about 1877, though a very old man, his mind and body were still active and vigorous. He remembered talking to the Indian 'medicine men' in his boyhood, as they frequently passed up the river, and discussed this wall and numerous relics of bones, stone implements and pottery found all over the surrounding bottom lands.
Parts of the stone wall that included stone towers are still visible above Loup and Amstrong Creek in West Virginia.
According to his statements the Indians knew of these monuments, but claimed no part in them. One of their legends sets forth the fact that the Kanawha Valley had been occupied by a fierce race of white warriors, who successfully resisted the approach of the 'red man' from the west for a long time, but had finally succumbed, and passed away in death. The Indians claimed never to have occupied the valley, except for hunting expeditions; that they found these relics old when they first entered; and that their origin was beyond record.
Parts of the stone wall that included stone towers are still visible above Loup and Amstrong Creek in West Virginia.
According to his statements the Indians knew of these monuments, but claimed no part in them. One of their legends sets forth the fact that the Kanawha Valley had been occupied by a fierce race of white warriors, who successfully resisted the approach of the 'red man' from the west for a long time, but had finally succumbed, and passed away in death. The Indians claimed never to have occupied the valley, except for hunting expeditions; that they found these relics old when they first entered; and that their origin was beyond record.