Giant Human Skeletons Unearthed in Tampa Bay, Florida.
The remains described in the following article are likely from the Maritime Archaic peoples who had spread the extent of the North American continent. Similarly sized skeletons are found in shell mounds on the Pacific, Atlantic and Gulf regions. From 5000 -2000 B.C. would be a closer estimate of the age of the burials.
Many burial mounds can still be found in the Tampa Florida area. For one of the most astonishing finds in Florida of a European race dating to 5,000 BC see this post : Windover, Florida Skeletons (5,000 B.C.) DNA Determined to Be European According to Dr. Jospeh Lorenze from the Coriell Institute of Medical Research
Lawrence World Journal, Aug 25, 1927
GIANT INDIAN SKELETONSTampa, Fla. (AP).- Giant Indians who roamed Florida swamps 500 years or more, living on shell foods which they cracked with their teeth, is a picture unfolded by archaeologists who have delved into a burial ground on a gulf island near here.
The skeletons were discovered in a small section of land, where a lone fisherman has lived for years. Scientists estimated the bones are at least 500 years old and are the remains of a tribe known as the Caribs, natives of the West Indies. They are believed to have inhabited the state and adjacent islands before the arrival of the Spanish in Florida.
The skulls are larger than those of current history, battered and crused, indicated tribal battles. The jaw and teeth were unusually large. Likewise are the body bones, indicating the Indians of the past ages were veritiaqble giants in comparison with those of today.
Mounds similar to the one in which the bones were unearthed are common in the state. The bones have been sent to the Smithsonian Institution for further examination.