Friday, August 22, 2014

Workers Uncover Giant Human Remains in San Bernardino, California

Workers Uncover Giant Human Remains in San Bernardino, California

The San Francisco Call, June 17, 1908
Diggers Unearthe Relics of Prehistoric People of Extraordinary Stature
    San Bernardino, - June 16. - In excavating and grading for a row of new cottages on lower D street, in this city, today the laborers uncovered what is apparently the ancient burying ground of an unknown race of gigantic stature.  Fully six complete skeletons were unearthed, but the bones were dismembered and gathered in separate pieces, the graders piled the bones at one side of the tract.  On account of the peculiar formation of the soil in that locality, the bones which had probably been in the ground for yeasrs, were remarkably well preserved and by their measurements showed that they were the relics of a prehistoric race of giants.