Ancient Race of Giants Uncovered in Sonora Mexico
New York Times, December 2, 1930
Mining Engineer Tells of Discovery in Sonara by Laborers Digging in Cemetery
Tuscon, Ariz., Dec. 1 (AP)- Discovery of apparent remains of a race of giants has been made at Sayopa, Sonara, a mining town 300 miles south of the Mexican border.
J.E. Coker, a mining engineer, reports that laborers clearing ranch land near the Yaqui River dug into an old cemetery where bodies of men, averaging eight feet in height, were buried tier on tier.The heads of the skeletons, Coker said, were especially large. Carved native stone bracelets were found on the bones. Beside the bodies, the crudest kind of stone weapons and implements were buried.
After the first skeleton was unearthed owners of the ranch redoubled efforts to excavate in the cemetery.