Thursday, May 17, 2018

Giant Skeleton Discovered in Barren County, Kentucky

Giant Skeleton Discovered in Barren County, Kentucky

Canton Daily News, November 20, 1927
Huge Human Skeleton Found
   Glasgow, Kentucky, Nov 19 – The strange story of how four men found an 8- foot skeleton of a man in a recess of a cavern is vouched for here by friends of the quartet, who say they have no reason to doubt the integrity of those concerned.
   John Nelson and his three sons were exploring Harlan Cave when they came upon a skeleton, over 8 feet in length, according to Nelson. Nelson said he believed it was an Indian's bones. Arrows, flints and trinkets were found with the body.

  Old Indians living in the vicinity said it was the custom of the tribe s to bury medicine men and chiefs alone. They believe the skeleton that of a great man of an ancient tribe.