Wednesday, July 22, 2020

10 Foot Celtic Giant Uncovered in Ireland

10 Foot Celtic Giant Uncovered in Ireland

Did the Celts (Amorites) migrate to the Ohio Valley and build the geametric enclosures and burial mounds? Here is the proof. : European Skulls in Mounds and Skulls in Ohio Mounds Were Identical: Here's the Proof

Feilding Star, May 16, 1914, 
      While men were digging foundations for laborers' cottages at Dysart, Louth, they unearthed three human skeletons in separate graves encased with stones. One skull is entire and measures, 18 inches from the crown to the chin. The leg bones are abnormally large. The remains apparently are those of a person 10 feet high, who is presumed to have lived in a prehistoric age.

Discover Ireland's Ancient Giants