Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Giant Nephilim Remains at Stonehenge

Giant Nephilim Remains at Stonehenge

 Conical Burial Mound Near Stonehenge  

   The skeletal remains found in burial mounds in England, Scotland, and Ireland represents the Dinaric, Boreby Cro-Magnon, and the Corded People.  These are the Nephilim described in the Bible.  The passage graves found within the long mounds, utilized as ongoing receptacles for the dead were replaced by conical mounds, with single internments and cremations of the dead. The use of flagstones in the construction of a coffin is most common. The Amorite and Corded People, influence in mound construction is seen with many of the mounds being surrounded by a ditch, berm, or both.

    Their round barrows, containing flint weapons, barbed and tanged arrowheads, copper axes, and daggers. It is believed that the remains of males in the mounds were warriors. Large females are also found within the mounds, that may be descended from the infamous Amazonian women of the Corded People. Most burials were accompanied by a beaker-type pot, seemingly to hold a beverage for the deceased to drink on his journey to the afterlife.  More giants found near Stonehenge.  www.nephilimgiants.net : Large Human Remains Found in Stone Tomb near Stonehenge


Dinaric type skulls are easily recognized by the back of their heads appear to be 'cut away.'  The Dinaric along with the Corded People were known for their large size. The jutting upper jaw, prominent brow ridge, and large size are convincing evidence that the Stonehenge was constructed by the last remnants of the Cro-Magnon species. 

Our Early Ancestors, an Introductory Study of Mesolithic, Neolithic and Copper Age Cultures in    Europe and Adjacent Regions, by M.C. Burkett, M.A., F.S.A., F.G. 1876

        The invaders differed somewhat from the former inhabitants of the land. The Neolithic folk seem to have been of moderate stature, long-headed, oval faced, narrow nosed, with small features. They were not at all powerfully built race. The new-comers on the other hand- according to Abercromby- were characterized by a short square skull showing a great development of the superciliary ridges and eyebrows. The cheekbones, nose, and chin were prominent and the powerful lower jaw was supplied with large teeth. They were a tall, strongly built race and must have presented- at any rate as far as men were concerned- a fierce, brutal appearance. The dead were buried in round barrows, inhumation being practiced. They knew about the use of copper and introduced into England the beaker type pot

Remains of the Prehistoric Age in England, 1904

     Here again, there is no lack of skulls and skeletons, and the descriptions of them are many. In the barrows of this period, we find two classes of skulls, long and broad. The former may be those of the earlier people, the latter those of a race that had invaded the country. Or the collection may be explained without supposing the arrival of a different race, but these are points into which it is impossible to enter here. Suffice it to say that the skulls regarded as typical of this period are brachycephalic, of large size and with well-formed brow. There are salient ridges above the eyes, but these are not the monstrous projections of the Neanderthal type. One gains the idea that the cast of the countenance of the possessors of these skulls must have been much more fierce and commanding than that of the milder race which preceded them.

Neanderthal looking skulls of the giant race that has been uncovered in the burial mounds surrounding Stonehenge.

The Way of the Sea, 1929

       A further point arises here that is at least interesting, even if it be but a coincidence. It was apparently about the time that Hissarlik II was reaching the height of its greatness with the rebuilding of its walls, roughly dated about 2200 B.C., that the beaker became important on the European loess. It declined soon after Hissarlik was destroyed, as Frankfort thinks, by Anatolian, probably Hittite invaders. We must add that Hissarlik II seems to have had a widespread interest, presumably of a commercial nature, in central Europe and throughout the Mediterranean.

     In our last volume, the story of important parts of eastern Europe was shown to hinge upon the conquest of cultivable areas by steppe warriors, the men of the stone battle-ax. It may well be that some of these warriors retained to a certain extent their ancient mobility and power of organization, a power which, we cannot but think, became of commercial rather than of military importance. In conjunction with local influences here and there they may have developed the beaker culture, which seems to us to belong primarily to the loess regions of central Europe. The skeletons found in association with objects belonging to the beaker culture, especially on the loess, include long-headed men, who might well be related to the warriors of the battle-ax. In west-central Europe and on the west, on the other hand, and notably in Britain, are found broad-headed men of very strong build with powerful brow-ridges, the origin of whom Keith thought years ago could be traced back to Polish Galicia.

Burial mound (barrow) near Stonehenge being excavated from Historical Survey of the County, of Cornwall, 1817