Thursday, May 27, 2021

Map of Nephilim Giants with Double Rows of Teeth in North America


Map of Nephilim Giants with Double Rows of Teeth in North America

The map shows the locations of giant skeletons with double rows of teeth. The finds correlate with migrations of the Maritime Archaic moving from the coastal regions into the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley. More giants with double tows of teeth in Ohio   Adena Hopewell Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley: Giant Nephilim Skeleton With More Teeth than Modern Humans Discovered in Morrow County, Ohio Burial Mound (

    Giant skeletons with a double row of teeth occur predominately within skulls with "archaic" features of a protruding brow and a sloped forehead. The locations of these finds match with the Maritime Archaic, who originated in America's coastal regions and then moved into both the Great Lakes, Mississippi and Ohio Valley, where they would later be known as the Hopewell mound builders.

    It is worth noting that this dental anomaly was noted as a "common " feature at sites in both northern New York state along the St. Lawrence River and in Northern Michigan. The description by the Archaeological and Historical Publications, in Ohio, reveals that is was a recurring trait found in the numerous burial mounds that were being excavated by the Ohio Historical Society.