Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Mass Grave of Nephilim Giants Uncovered in Augusta, Kentucky


Mass Grave of  Nephilim Giants Uncovered in Augusta, Kentucky

The Bourbon News., June 10, 1921
(Augusta. Chronicle)
     It is believed by many wise and experienced men that centuries before the Indians, race of people greatly superior to them in arts and knowledge, lived here. More on Kentucky's giant found here That such a race of men occupied portions of Kentucky at some time cannot be doubted. We can only speculate concerning the prehistoric people who dwelt here in fable and mystery during the silent centuries of an unwritten epoch. But it is certain that our little town of Augusta has a peculiar historic value, for it is located on a large burying ground of these ancients.  (More accounts of Kentucky's ancient giants here e of the largest trees of the forest were growing over these remains when the land \was cleared   Everywhere between the mouths of Locust and Bracken creeks, skeletons of great size and of great number have been found.  When Gen. John Payne dug his cellar 110 skeletons, were taken up in the space of 60×70 feet. They were of all sizes from seven feet long to those of infants. Many arrowheads have been found and earthenware of clay and pounded mulch.  The Indians had no tradition about these people. We are lost inconjecture as to who they were and where they went.  For more giant skeletons in Kentucky