Saturday, October 29, 2022

Giant Iroquois Skeletons Unearthed within Ancient Earthen Fort in New York

 Giant Iroquois Skeletons Unearthed within Ancient Earthen Fort in New York

History of Livingston County, New York 1870
     Upon a knoll of two or three acres, along the westerly side of which ran a small stream, there existed, within the memory of men yet living, a line of embankments, two or three feet in height, the whole being covered, at the advent of the whites, with a low under-growth of wild plum, hazel and other bushes, but no large trees. A fine spring which supplied the occupants, continued to be used by the early settlers for many years. John Bosley came into the country in 1792.* The same year he planted this lot with corn and potatoes. A grist mill was soon erected on the site of the present mills. The excavations therefor revealed tomahawks and axes, and other iron relics were found within the ruins in sufficient quantities to iron the mill. Jarvis Raymond, who occupied the farm, picked up a rust-eaten gun barrel here. Thirty-five years ago, during the construction of Olmsted ' s mill, a thigh-bone, two inches longer than that of the tallest man of the day, was exhumed within the enclosure, and a shinbone of unusual size was also found. Large beads of green glass, coal ashes and burnt bones, a brass kettle, an iron pot, and flint arrowheads in great numbers, have also been discovered. Skulls, to the number of two score or more, were found at one time, and under a stump well-nigh two feet through, which stood near the crest of the hill, a skeleton was revealed some years ago. Grotesque ornaments, ivory or bone and metallic crosses and an urn of graceful form have likewise been gathered from the ruins of this work. Giant Iroquois skeleton discovered in New York : Giant Iroquois Indians War Chief Uncovered in Livingston County, New York