Friday, February 17, 2023

Three Giant Humans Skeletons Removed from a Tennessee Burial Mound


Three Giant Humans Skeletons Removed from a Tennessee Burial Mound

Logansport ReporterJuly 3, 1903
Indian Mound Near Tennessee Town Yields Remains of Gigantic Men
     Ripley, Tennessee, April 23. (AP)-Skeletons of three gigantic men buried by a forgotten race have been unearthed by a fisherman digging in an old Indian mound near here. Tribal finery in which they were interred was recovered intact. One of the skeletons bore ivory beads and a long ivory ornament. The other was decorated with copper beads and designs of bone and mica.
Two were found near the surface. Further down the largest of the skeletons was discovered in a sitting position on a carpet of ashes. Pottery, one piece containing the bones of an infant, was found nearby. It was in a fine state of preservation.
Indian mounds abound in this section but hitherto none had yielded skeletons the size of those found by the fisherman. He has offered them to the Tennessee Historical Society at Nashville.