Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Pennsylvania's Giant Stone Pyramid


Pennsylvania's Giant Stone Pyramid

This is the stone mound south of Newark, Ohio that was over 50 feet in height. When they dismantled it for the Columbus reservoir, they removed 50,000 cartloads of rock. There is precedent for stone mounds of this size. Like the stone mound in Ohio, giant skeletons were found. Here are some Pennsylvania giants near this site. : Giant's Ossuary Contains 150 Nephilim Skeletons; Discovered in a Pennsylvanian Cave

On an extensive plain near Oil Creek, there is a vast mound of stones, containing many hundred thousand cart loads. This pyramid has stood through so many ages that it is now covered with soil, and from its top rises a noble pine tree, the roots of which, running down the sides, fasten themselves in the earth below. The stones are, many of them, so large that two men can scarcely move them, and are unlike any in the neighborhood; nor are there quarries near from which so large a quantity could be taken. The stones were, perhaps, collected from the surface, and the mound one of the many that have been raised by the ancient race which preceded the Indians, whom the Europeans have not known. These monuments are numerous further north and east, and in the south and west are far greater, more artificial and imposing.”