Was Joseph Smiths "Golden Plates" Originally Discovered in West Virginia?
Where the original "Golden Plates" discovered by Rev. Spaulding and not Joseph Smith? There is irrefutable evidence that the Amorite giants, (who were Semitic speaking) had constructed the works in Marion County, West Virginia. (The Nephilim Chronicles: Fallen Angels in the Ohio Valley) The tablets would have been written in ancient Hebrew and easily translated.
Now and Long Ago, 1969
During this interview she told Heck that a man named Solomon Spaulding, who said he was a preacher who came here in the summer of 1812, from Amity Village in Washington County, Pennsylvania.
Mrs. Shearer said that Spaulding was more interested in Indian relics than in religion, and spent most of his time at Hoults, (West Virginia) across the river, digging around the old Indian road there, and places where Indian graves used to be.. She said he lived with the Heck family the first time he was here, "then left and came again," and this time lived over the river with the Hoults. She said that some people said, afterwards, that the last time he was here he dug up some copper plates down by Pricketts Creek, "and there was some matter of queer writing on the plates that nobody could read.".....She heard, and it turned out that the copper plates were stolen from preacher Spaulding by somebody and turned over to Joseph Mormon, and it was those plates that he (Joseph Smith) started the Mormon religion.
Diagram of the earthen fort and burial mounds where Rev. Spaulding is believed to have found the "Golden Plates."
A note found among the papers of Rev. Levi Shinn, founder of Shinnston, informs that Rev Spaulding told him that he had unearthed an ancient manuscript on the Hoult property, just below the mouth of the Tygart Valley River, where the "ancient people" thousands of years ago had constructed three mounds and built a fort. Through his knowledge of hieroglyphs he had deciphered it.
"Rev. Spaulding resolved to publish it under the name of "The Maunscript Found," and actually entered into a contract with a Mr. Patterson of Pittsburgh, to publish the same, but for some reason the contract was not fulfilled. The manuscript remained in the possession of Mr. Patterson between two and three years before Rev. Spaulding reclaimed and recovered it."
In the meantime a journeyman printer by the name of Sidney Rigden copied the whole manuscript, and hearing of Joseph Smith Jr.'s digging operations for money through the instrumentality of necromancy, resolved in his own mind that he would turn this wonderful manuscript to good account and make it profitable to himself. An interview takes place between Rigdon and Smith, terms agreed upon, the whole manuscript undergoes a partial revision, and in the process of time, instead of finding money, they find curious plates, which when translated, turn out to be the Golden Bible, or Book of Mormon.
A letter from Joseph Miller, Sr., the intimate and confidential friend of Rev. Solomon Spaulding, which was originally published thirty-one years since, or in 1839..."
These witnesses stated that it was their belief "that Joseph Smith had, by some means, got possession of Rev. Spaulding's manuscript, and possibly made some changes to it, and called it the Book of Mormon