12 Foot Nephilim Skeletons Uncovered in Conical Stone Mound in West Virginia
Conical mounds like this have been reported along the tributaries of the Kanawha River in West Virginia. More giant skeletons discovered by the Smithsonian in Charleston, West Virginia www.nephilimgiants.net : Smithsonian Reports Two Skeletons as "Very Large" from a South Charleston, West Virginia Burial Mound
Staunton Spectator (Staunton, Virginia) February 6, 1889
A party from Morgantown W. VA., opened one of a series of mounds in the vicinity of Cheat Neck, W. Va., with interesting results. The mound was partly built of stones, rising in a conical shape and covered with moss and wildflowers. After considerable labor, an entrance was made in the center of the mound, where two skeletons were found in a fair state of preservation both being of gigantic stature and build. When the men were in full life they must have been at least twelve foot high and possessed of enormous strength, as the size of the bones would indicate. With the exception of the enormous skulls, which were partly crumbled and decayed, the skeletons were in a perfect state of preservation."