Adena Hopewell and England's Middle Bronze Age Houses Compared with the Algonquin Wigwams
Like the Adena Hopewell houses the Middle Bronze Age house in England that was built by the Amorites (Beaker People) who also built the conical mounds surrounded by moats and henges identical to those in the Ohio Valley is circular with a central hearth. heated mud-covered walls and a roof made of bark.
The Algonquin wigwam is completely different except for the fact that it is round. Why would they degenerate into this primitive construction? Despite some championing the Algonquin as the Adena Hopewell mound builders in the Ohio Valley. The fact that there is no evidence of the Algonquin burying their dead in mounds, having no solar or water cult, not having advanced geometry or mathematics the evidence is just not there. Compare England's burial mounds with those in Ohio that are identical and the fact that their house construction are identical is further evidence of who built the burial mounds in the Ohio Valley : Coincidence? Identical Nephilim Giants Mounds in England and Ohio