Friday, September 1, 2023

Giant Sioux Indian with Infant Uncovered in Iowa by Road Crew


Giant Sioux Indian with Infant Uncovered in Iowa by Road Crew

Not the actual grave but a stone Dakota Sioux stone box grave. More giant skeletons discoverd in Iowa : The Ancient Giant Dakota Sioux Hopewell That Once Roamed Iowa: Seven Historical Accounts

The Evening Times (Washington, D.C.) August 17, 1897
An Indian Giant and Infant Turned Up at Burlington
    Burlington, Iowa, Aug. 17 - A remarkable find was made by workman excavating for the road around North Main street bluff yesterday.  They turned up the complete skeleton of an Indian and an infant. The former was a giant at least seven feet tall.  With the skeleton were found a silver armlet, a spear head, pipe, knives, beads, a bridle bit and a quantity of silver and copper ornaments.