Monday, February 12, 2024

Indiana University Archaeologists Desecrate Iroquois Burial Mounds in Noble County, Indiana


Indiana University Archaeologists Desecrate Iroquois Burial Mounds in Noble County, Indiana 

   Another burial mound in Noble County, Indiana that was partially destroyed by Indiana University, archaeologists. No academic paper resulted making this no more than grave robbing. Another burial mound in Noble County, Indiana that was desecrated by Indiana University archaeologists. : Hopewell Burial Mound at Chain Of Lakes Park in Noble County, Indiana. Partially Destroyed by Indiana University Archaeologists

  IPFW archaeologists have desecrated several of the Iroquois burial mounds in Noble County, Indiana that was constructed by the early Iroquois.  IPFW archaeologists are on a search and destroy mission, when it comes to burial mounds in northern Indiana, with no academic papers being the result of these digs. Many of the Iroquois burial mounds in northern Indiana contained cremated remains with little or no grave goods.
   Despite overwhelming evidence that the Iroquois inhabited the Great Lakes region, including northern Indiana, from as early as 2000 B.C. Until the 1600s, IPFW archaeologist continues to deny the Iroquois people recognition that would give their burials protection under the 1993 Native American Graves Protection Act, that makes illegal to dig into a burial of a "known" tribe.    Numerous Iroquois burial mounds and earthworks still exist in northern Indiana that was constructed as early as 2000 B.C. and as late as about 1200 A.D.  None of these burial mounds or earthworks are on the National Historic Register.  Indiana burial mounds and earthworks have become little more than a venue for grants for the purpose of excavations.  No village sites have been searched for by IPFW, the burial mounds or earthworks being easier to locate.