Gigantic Skeletons Unearthed in Nebraska Indian Burial Mound

Gigantic Skeletons Unearthed in Nebraska Indian Burial Mound

Lincoln Evening News, November 8, 1911
Find of Gigantic Skeletons Puzzles Junction City Farmers
An ethnologist mystery has been uncovered on the farm of John Noland several miles northwest of this city. In the center of Mr. Nolands’s wheat field was a mound which he decided to level, and while doing so he uncovered several human skulls and a large number of bones and teeth, says a Junction City dispatch to the Topeka State Journal.
One of the skulls and one of the thigh bones, apparently from the same person, were of gigantic stature. The big skull is pierced through the back with several small round holes, apparently such holes as would be made by small shot from a shotgun.
Persons who have examined the skulls say they do not resemble the ordinary Indian skull and the absence of Indian weapons and utensils would seem to indicate that the bones were not those of Indians. Although a careful search was made, no Indian relics were found within the cairn, although there was a brown powdery substance that might have been wood. The oldest settlers, however say that they do not remember of any white persons having been buried there. The question now is, of what race were those who were buried there?