Archaeologist to Send Expedition to Explore Graveyards in New Mexico
Where Bodies Were Unearthed
Special to the New York Times
Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 10. -Owing to the discovery of the remains of a race of giants in Guadalupe, N. M., antiquarians and archaeologist are preparing an expedition further to explore that region. This determination is based on the excitement that exist among the people of a scope of country near Mesa Rico, about 200 miles southeast of Las Vegas, where an old burial ground has been discovered that has yielded skeletons of enormous size.
Luciana Quintana, on whose ranch the ancient burial plot is located, discovered two stones that bore curious inscriptions, and beneath these were found in shallow excavations the bones of a frame that could not have been less than 12 feet in length. The men who opened the grave sat the forearm was 4 feet long and that in a well preserved jaw the lower teeth ranged from the size of a hickory nut to that of the largest walnut in size. The chest of the being is reported as having the circumference of seven feet.
Quintanaq, who has uncovered many other burial places, expresses the opinion that perhaps thousands of skeletons of a race of giants long extinct will be found. This supposition is based on traditions handed down from the early Spanish invasion that have detailed knowledge of the existence of a race of giants that inhabited the plains of what now is Eastern New Mexico. Indian legends and carvings also in the same section indicate the existence of such a race.