Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Early Female Connecticut Settler was a Giant

Early Female Connecticut Settler was a Giant

In ancient times the state of Connecticut was the land of the giants. Here is one of the finds of a gigantic skeleton discovered. : Giant Neanderthal Hybrids Once Roamed the Connecticut Shores

New York Times   May 13, 1888

     Norwalk Conn., May 12- There is a grave in Pine Island Cemetery that is no less than 10 feet long.  It is that of Mrs. Mary Tittusm a widow, who was laid to rest there on Feb. 5, 1769, a little over 119 years ago, in the nineteenth year of her age.  Tradition has it that Mrs. Tittusm was a giantess, which fully explains the enormous length of her grave.  It is situated in a remote corner of the large burying ground, and its existence had been almost forgotten.  A few days ago, it was discovered by some city people visiting here.