Neanderthal Hybrid Discovered in Lake County, Illinois
To see an actual photo of one of the Neanderthals that was found at the coppe mines at Isles St. Royal see this pic : Comparing Combe-Capelle (CroMagnon) Skull With a Skull Found at the Copper Mines at Isle Royale
Mr. W. B. Gray, of Highland Park, also mentions the discovery of a skull in a mound near Fox lake, in Lake County, Illinois. This skull is certainly very remarkable; the frontal lobe or arch seems to be entirely wanting; the large projecting eyebrows, deep-set eye-sockets, the low, receding forehead, and the long, narrow and flat shape of the crown rendered it a very animal-looking skull. If it was not a posthumous deformation it certainly is a very remarkable skull and might well pass for the “missing link.” It was found in a mound six feet below the surface, in company with thirteen other skeletons. The skeletons were found lying with their heads to the center and their feet arranged in a circle around this point. The American Antiquarian 1878