Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Large Skeletons are seen Floating on Ice on the Kanawha River in West Virginia

 Large Skeletons are seen Floating on Ice on  the Kanawha River in West Virginia

The Springfield Globe Republic, Feb. 2, 1886
     Charleston, West Virginia, Feb. 2 - News has just been received from Winfield, Putnam county, of the strange discovery of two human skeletons lying on a floating cake of ice, in the Kanawha River, near Red House Shoals, Sunday.  The skeletons were in a good state of preservation and were evidently the frames of large men. Some fragments of clothing surrounded the bones, but nothing to indicate in any degree the identity of the deceased or the locality from whence they floated on the ice. Numerous giant skeletons were uncovered in West Virginia, for more giants visit here