Saturday, October 3, 2020

Neanderthal Looking Skull Excavated From A Burial Mound In Northwest Ohio

 Neanderthal Looking Skull Excavated From A Burial Mound In Northwest Ohio 

Skulls with Neanderthal traits have been found in large numbers in the Great Lakes region. This is an actual photo of one of the Neanderthal hybrids from California. : Mass Grave of Giant Nephilim Hybrids Discovered in Malibu Beach, California

County of Williams Ohio, 1905
      On the south half of the northwest quarter of Section 10 in Brady Township, on the land now owned by James F. Smith, was a solitary burial mound of considerable magnitude. On opening it, six full-developed skeletons were found and one of a child about eight to ten years of age. They were lying in a circle with their heads in the center, in close proximity to each other. Dr. Frank O. Hart, of West Unity, now deceased, secured the skulls from this mound and described them in a written article as follows:
  “They were very thick. The brow ridge is very prominent. The orbital processes are profoundly marked. The average distance between temporal ridges of the frontal bone, three and a half inches; from the temporal ridge of frontal bone to an occipital joint, nine inches; length from the beginning of frontal bone to the occipital joint, twelve inches; from occipital joint to foramen magnum, three inches.”