Who Were the Biblical Giants called, the Amorites?
Amorites depicted by the Egyptians as a tall red-haired race. See the evidence that the Amorites (Adena) mixed with the Dakota Sioux Hopewell www.nephilimgiants.net : Blonde Haired Mandan Sioux: Descendants of the Biblical Amorites
The Iraqi professor Khaz'al Majeedi in his book"The Amorites Beliefs" has an interesting theory about the Amorites, Canaanites, and the Aramean, and I will compare it to other important subjects, he concluded that the (Amorites, Canaanites and the Aramean) together is the same population related to other population (Sumerian, Babylonians, and Assyrians), and the two related groups have the same origin.
We know that the Sumerian civilization is the Cradle of civilization and that the Assyrian and the Babylonian empires had risen in Mesopotamia after the end of the Sumerian civilization, and all of them are Mesopotamian, on the other hand, Majeedi thinks that the Canaanites and Aramaeans are from Amorites origin.
So when did the Canaanites become known as Canaanites the Arameans become Arameans?
Long time ago and Before the existence of Hebrews and Nabateans etc, around 4000 - 3000 b.c the first movement of the Amorite to the levant in several waves.(map)
In the earliest Sumerian sources, beginning about 2400 BC, the land of the Amorites ("the Mar.tu land") is associated with the West, including Syria and Canaan,many of the Amorites artifacts were discovered in the Fertile Crescent like the Statue of Amorite king Idrimi, the king of Alalakh and son of the king of Aleppo, back to the 16th century BC.
The Amorites appears as nomadic people in Mesopotamian and Egyptian sources,the Amorites were nomadic because they were living in the desert and the life in the desert Imposed them to live as nomadic ,not because they were Arab or from Arabian descent, such as the Arameans, some Arameans were nomadic tribes in the Desert in the time that the kingdom of Aram was in Damascus,(map)same population living in two different lifestyles and two different environments.(map)
Majeed also thinks that the Amorites who settled in the north of the levant become the Aramaeans and the Amorites who settled in the south of the levant become the Canaanites, and those"Amorites" who remained in the desert remained to be known as the "Amorites."And what leaves no room for doubt on Majeedi theory, is the Semitic origin of the Canaanites and Arameans names.
Transliteration: Kĕna`an Pronunciation: ken·ah'·an
"Can" means low Canaan = "lowland"
canaanites means the lowlanders (2)
"Aram" means high.
Aramaeans = highlanders (3),(4)