Monday, February 8, 2021

Giants Graveyard Uncovered in Mansfield, Ohio


Giants Graveyard Uncovered in Mansfield, Ohio

The Mansfield Herald, January 16, 1873
       On the farm of Mr. Harrison Whaley, near Mansfield, in this county, is a skirt of woods which possess characteristics of deep interest. About three inches beneath the surface of the entire tract may be found innumerable bones, evidently the remains of an extinct species of the human race.  Several mounds are in the woods, and one which has been partially explored were found skulls and bones, which from their size, must have belonged to a race of beings far more gigantic than the race which now inhabits the earth.  In this mound were also found many clay utensils and arrowhead cut out of solid rock, and pipes of the same material. More giant skeletons in Ohio
      Was the place once a battleground, where the aborigines fought to maintain the glory of their prospective tribes? Or was it a common burial ground? The first seems to be a more plausible theory insomuch as the whole tract, covering at least fifteen acres, has multitudes of human bones but a few inches below the surface It is evident they were never buried, but originally lay exposed to view until the accumulated deposits of time formed the black rich soil which covers them.