Large Human Osage Hopewell Mound Builders Skeleton Discovered in a Missouri Cave
Giant Human Skeletons Discovered in a Missouri Cave. Map shows the ancient areas controlled by the Osage Hopewell Sioux Map shows the area controlled by the Osage HopewellSioux mound builders Mysteries of Ancient America Books: Osage Hopewell Mound Builders of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri
The Waco Evening News (Waco, Texas) February 26, 1894
They Are Supposed to be Delaware Indians Buried Long Ago
Ozark, Missouri, Feb., 26 - There is a little cave in the bluffs of Finley creek, about two miles north of Ozark, which Bruce McCord was cleaning out for a cellar. Under a layer of limestone and beneath about six inches of earth he found two human, one measuring 7 feet in length. The skull was of gigantic size and very thick. The bones were all in place and well preserved, apparently, though they soon crumble to pieces when exposed to the air.