Two Yellow Haired Skeleton Unearthed by the Pilgrims
The supposition that the "yellow hair" was due to the process of decay contradicts the thousands of Indian skeletons that still had black hair. The iron oxide within the burials is consistent to what is found in the Ohio Valley.The two burials encountered by the Pilgrims at Corn Hill were those of Indians and had evidently been made within a year. The “yellow hair ” had been caused by the process of decay and would soon have disappeared. The objects of iron had been obtained from some Europeans who had touched upon the coast or whose vessel had been wrecked. Now, three centuries later were these ancient burial places to be discovered it is doubtful whether any traces would remain in addition to the mass of “ perfect red Powder, " insoluble red oxide of iron ( Fe, 03 ). All human remains, mats, bowls, and other objects of a perishable nature would have turned to dust and disappeared. But any ornaments or implements of stone that might have been deposited in the pit grave would remain. Within recent years many similar pits, with masses of the red oxide mingled with various objects of stone, have been encountered not far from the coast in Lincoln and Hancock Counties, Maine. Yellow haired giants found in a Kentucky cave : Yellow Haired Mummies Found In Kentucky Cave