Ancient Giant Humans with Double Rows of Teeth Described in Ohio, New York, Masschusetts, Virginia and Michigan
There are many accounts of giant skeletons with double rows of teeth. Most of these were discovered in the Ohio Valley burial mounds. Here is a link to a map that will show both the giants with double rows of teeth and those with horns. : Map of Giant Neanderthal Hybrids with Double Rows of Teeth and Horns
“The History of Cedar Neck, Massachusetts” writes about a skeleton found on Hines Point:
“Some 15 years ago George Hillman dug up the skeleton of an Indian giant in almost perfect preservation; the bones indicated a man easily six feet and a half, possibly seven feet, high. Doctor Butler, himself a large man, said that the femur bone was a full two inches longer than his. A singular feature was a complete double row of teeth on both upper and lower jaws. After all the bones were removed, the place was carefully dug over, but no implements were found.”
Ironton Register, 1892
Where Proctorville now stands was one day part of a well paved city, but I think the greater part of it is now in the Ohio River. Only a few mounds, there; one of which was near the C. Wilgus mansion and contained a skeleton of a very large person, all double teeth, and sound, in a jaw bone that would go over the jaw with the flesh on, of a large man; the common burying ground was well filled with skeletons at a depth of about 6 feet. Part of the pavement was of boulder stone and part of well preserved brick.
History of Medina County Ohio 1881
In digging the cellar of the house, nine human skeletons were found, and like such specimens from other ancient mounds of the country. They showed that the mound builders were men of large stature.
The skeletons were not found lying in such a manner as would indicate any arrangement of the bodies on the part of entombers. In describing the tomb, Mr. Albert Harris said: “It looked as if the bodies had been dumped into a ditch. Some were buried deeper than others,, the lower one being about seven feet below the surface. When the skeletons were found, Mr. Harris was twenty years of age, yet he states that he could put one of the skulls over his head, and let it rest upon his shoulders while wearing a fur cap at the same time. The large size of all the bones was remarked, and the teeth were described as “double all the way around.”
Historical Collections of Virginia 1845
On the Wappatomaka have been found numerous Indian relics, among which was a highly finished pipe, representing a snake coiled around the bowl. There was also discovered the under jawbone of a human being (says Keucheval) of great size, which contained eight jaw teeth in each side, of enormous size; and what is more remarkable the teeth stood transversely in the jawbone. It would pass over any man’s face with entire ease.
Perforated Skulls from Michigan, American Antiquarian Vol.,xii, no.,1, Jan. 1890
Within the past year Mr. Isaac M. Bates, of Detroit, has made an interesting discovery, and has, at my request, supplied me with the facts, which are presented below. Within the city limits of Detroit, is an old Indian burial place. At one time or another, remains of some forty individuals have been discovered in various excavations made for building purposes, sewers, etc. A variety of relics have also been found hard copper knives, beads, awls, axes, copper kettles, bone fishhooks, needles, stone axes, celts, flint arrow and spear heads, pipes, etc...
Mr. Bates and two friends made an excavation in a vacant lot located within the area of this old cemetery. They came upon a curious and interesting burial spot. At a depth of two feet, five skulls were found, lying in a circle, facing the center. Within this circle were ashes and charcoal, --evidence of fire; but the bones were not all burned...
Of these five skulls three were perforated and perforated not with a single hole like those found by Mr. Crillman, but with three like the one from Saginaw to which he refers in the passage quoted. The three holes are drilled directly on top of the skull, are arranged in the form of a triangle and are a half an inch or so apart. In diameter, they range from one third to one-half inch. The two unperforated skulls are smaller and more delicate than these three and were evidently skulls of young persons or females. On the perforated skulls two had “double teeth” in front. Mr. Bates says the third may have had also. (He is no longer in Detroit and some uncertainty exists in the matter.) The dentition of the other two skulls is normal...
Ancient Burial Mound and its Contents, Hardin County, Ohio, John B. Matson. M.D. to Judge John Barr, Cleveland, December 10, 1869
Dear Sir, --In the fall of 1856, in Hardin County, Ohio, near the Bellefontaine and Indiana Railway, between Mt. Victory and Ridgeway, I commenced removing a gravel bank for the purpose of ballasting a part of the above-named railroad. I learned shortly after my arrival there, that the bank was an ancient burial ground. This information caused me to examine the ground and note discoveries.
...The mound covered an area of one and a half acres; being covered with an orchard of apple trees, then in bearing...The mound was what I would call double; the larger and higher part to the west. About two-thirds of the mound was embraced in this part. The eastern part, presenting the appearance of a smaller hill having been pressed against the other, leaving a depression between them of three or four feet, below the highest point of the smaller and five or six feet below a corresponding point of the larger.
...On the north side of the eastern portion, under an oak tree stump (150 years old by growths) was the remains of the largest human bones I have ever seen. The joints of the vertebra seemed as large as those of a horse... I found in this part of the mound the remains of at least fifty children, under the age of eight years; some with two, others with four incisors; some with eight, and others with no teeth.
History of Jefferson County, N.Y., 1878
On the farm of Jacob Heath, on lot 25, near the west line of Rodman, and on the north bank of North Sandy Creek, a short distance above the confluence of the two main branches of that stream, there formerly existed an enclosure of the same class. It included about three acres... Under the roots of a large maple was dug up the bones of a man of great stature and furnished with entire rows of double teeth.