Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Smithsonian Reports: Neanderthal Hybrids Uncovered Within Santa Barbara, California's Burton Mound


Neanderthal Hybrids Uncovered Within Santa Barbara, California's Burton Mound

Note the skull in the forefront that has no forehead and is more Neanderthal looking than modern skulls. This is not an isolated find. Here is another Neanderthal hybrid found in San Francisco www.nephilimgiants.net : Ancient Neanderthal Skull Drawn after Excavation in San Francisco, California

Decatur Weekly Republican, April 9, 1923
New Link in Man History Is Found on West Coast
Santa Barbara Mound Yield Remains of People Older Than Neanderthal
SANTA BARBARA, Cal., Oct 27.-

   Dr. Harrington, who has been in charge of southern California archaeological work for the Smithsonian Institution for several months, is certain that a new link in the Anthropological chain has been established definitely by the excavations of the last few days. Further examination of the gorilla-like skulls unearthed on Burton Mound, he asserts, has definitely proven that the Santa Barbara man existed in a period far earlier than the era of Neanderthal man. Not only that, but he possessed a culture that far exceeded that of the Neanderthal.
Tools are Found
   Artifacts found in the hardpan that gave up the skulls showed Santa Barbara man used tools and implements, which although crude were greatly in advance of those supposed to have been employed by the Neanderthal man in the dawn of the world’s civilization. Instruments resembling pestles, crude barbless fish-hooks, and other relics encrusted in the protecting calcareous soil point almost unmistakably to that conclusion, Dr. Harrington said tonight.
   The skulls of the Santa Barbara men were carefully cleaned today in order that more minute investigation might be made. This led to the discovery that the primitive owner of the skeleton remains, possessed a mouth larger than any man of modern or ancient times. The mouth of one of the skulls was widely opened as if the early man had died in great pain or fear. The jaws measured nearly seven inches. The same pronounced suborbital ridge existed in both skulls with the same lack of forehead and other scientific evidence of primitive existence.
Skulls Thick
   The thickness of the skulls is twice as great as those of Indians found in the burial grounds, known to be 1,000 years old or more. The average thickness of each skull is approximately three-quarters of an inch. Dr. Jesse Walter Fewkes, chief curator of the Smithsonian Institution telegraphed Dr. Harrington today for a complete report of the discoveries made here. An authoritative and official statement has been dispatched to him.