Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Ball State University Archaeologists Scheduled to Continue the Destruction of Oneota Sioux Hopewell Burial Complex in New Castle, Indiana


Ball State University Archaeologists Scheduled to Continue the Destruction of Oto Sioux Hopewell Burial Complex in New Castle, Indiana

After the destruction of Indiana's finest burial mound, Ball State Archaeologists are scheduled to continue their desecration of this Oto Sioux Hopewell site in 2018-2019.  More destruction and crimes by Indiana archaeologists at the Strawtown, Indiana site. : Hamilton County Parks Department Fined for Allowing IPFW Archaeologists to Desecrate and Steal Native American Remains

    Only a small portion of this large Oneota Sioux Hopewell burial mound was left after it was excavated by Ball State archaeologists in 1968.  The mound was unique in that it was loaf-shaped that was surrounded by a ditch and outer earthwork in the picture on the right, Ball State University archaeologists are shoveling the cremated remains of Oneota Sioux Hopewell Indians into a wheelbarrow.
    Had this site been preserved it would have drawn tens of thousands of visitors a year. New Castle government officials had vowed a few years ago that they would never allow Ball State University archaeologists to return and further destroy this historic treasure.
   It is not known what they plan on excavating, but whatever it is will result in less of the mounds and earthworks being left in their original condition.  

The burial mound being destroyed by Ball State University grave robbers is # 4 on this map.