Monday, November 7, 2022

Chief Cornplanter Affirms Ohio Mounds Constructed by an Ancient White Race


Chief Cornplanter Affirms Ohio Mounds Constructed by an Ancient White Race

Centennial History of Miami County, Ohio 1855

     One Indian tradition averts that the primitive inhabitants of Kentucky perished in a war of extermination waged against them by the red tribes, and the Indian chief Tobacco informed George Rogers Clarke of a tradition in which it was stated that there was a battle at Sandy Island which decided the fate of the ancient inhabitants. Chief Cornplanter affirmed that Ohio, and this local section as well, had once been inhabited by a white race who were familiar with the arts of which they (The Indians) knew nothing.  More traditions of an ancient white race of mound : Shawnee Indian Legends: Killing the Ohio Mound Builders of White Complexion