Saturday, November 5, 2022

Shawnee Indian Legends: Killing the Ohio Mound Builders of White Complexion

 Shawnee Indian Legends: Killing the Ohio Mound Builders of White Complexion

Shawnee legend of killing the mound builders' giant race in Ohio . The Cherokee Indians also had legends of a white race of mound builders : Cherokee Legends of White Race of Mound Builders 

Prehistoric Men of Kentucky, 1910
  "He was told by the Indian Chief Cornstalk, with whom he had frequent conversations, that Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee had once been settled by white people who were familiar with arts of which the Indians knew nothing; that these whites, after a series of bloody contest with the Indians, had been exterminated.
   In another interview he reiterated the same story. "That the old burial places were the graves of an unknown people; and that the old forts had Not been built by Indians but had come down from ' a very long ago' people, who were of a white complexion and skilled in the arts.".