Local Dr. Measures an Eight Foot Nephilim Giant, with a Double Row of Teeth Discovered in Massachusetts
This is not an isolated case of a giant skeleton with double rows of teeth in Massachusetts. www.nephilimgiants.net : 7 Foot Human Giant with Double Rows of Teeth Uncovered in Massachusetts
The Town History of Deerfield, Massachusetts, 1895
Eight Foot Human Monster
At the foot of Bars Long Hill, just where the meadow fence crossed the road, and the bars were placed that gave the village its name, many skeletons were exposed while plowing down a bank, and weapons and implements were found in abundance. One of these skeletons was described to me by Henry Mather who saw it, as being of monstrous size "the head as big as a peck basket, with double teeth all round." The skeleton was examined by Dr. Stephen W. Williams who said the owner must have been nearly eight feet high. In all the cases noted in this paragraph, the bodies were placed in a sitting posture, facing the east.