Nephilim Numerology of Gematria and the Indiana Giant's Earthworks
The two core numbers of the Gematria codex are 666 and 1080. 666 symbolizing the Sun Father and the number 1080 being the Earth Mother. Two earthworks in Wayne County, Indiana were constructed to be numerically harmonic utilizing the numbers 660 and 1080. 660 sometimes was substituted for 666 because of addition with and division with 1080. The number 555 was used in the Babylonian numerical codex of Gematria. See how it was used in the construction of the Washington monument. : Nephilim Gematria Numerology and the Washington Monument 555 and 666
Earthwork at Winchester, Indiana was 1080 feet on the north-south walls and 1320 or 660 X 2 on the east west walls that were aligned to the summer solstice sunset and the winter solstice sunrise. Giant skeletons were uncovered at this earthwork along the bank of Sugar Creek.
A few miles away from the Winchester, Indiana earthworks was another in Fountain City that was constructed to be numerically harmonic. The walls of the earthwork were 780 feet which subtracted from 1320 equals 540.
Again using the math in comparison with Winchester, the earthwork reveals both 1080 and the number 666.