Friday, April 28, 2023

Ancient Giant Human Remains Discovered on Vashon, Island, Washington

 Ancient Giant Human Remains Discovered on Vashon, Island, Washington

The northwest was the haunt of the giant race that once inhabited the west coasts. These are photos of the skulls  of giant humans that were uncovered on Vancouver Island : Human Giants Skulls Discovered on Vancouver Island, B.C., Donated to the Smithsonian

Spokane Daily Chronicle, June 22, 1908

      While digging a posthole on the premises of S. S. Heath at Burton, Vashon Island, the other day Charles Christman found the skeleton of a giant, states a west side report. It measured 7 feet 6 inches in height and all the bones are large in proportion to their length, showing the person to have been a man of great weight. The skull had a transverse diameter of 7 1/2 inches and is 21 inches in circumference. The skeleton was but 18 inches below the surface and had evidently lain in the ground for many years. Heath and Christman propose to sell the skeleton. All the bones are in a good state of preservation. The settlers are at a loss to account for the skeleton. Secretary