Friday, May 12, 2023

Dinaric Nephilim Skulls In the Ohio Valley and England are Identical.


Dinaric Nephilim Skulls In the Ohio Valley and England are Identical.

   A strange type of skull highlighted by a flattened back of the head that appears to be cut away is diagnostic of the Dinaric people.  The ancient Dinarics were one of the accounted giant tribes written of in the Bible.  


Many giant skeletons were found within the burial mounds (barrows) of England. One of these skulls is from England and the other from a burial mound in Kentucky. Can you tell the difference? : Giant Skeleton Discovered in Devonshire England

The Bronze Age in Britain,
      “The Dinaric form a rare group in the world with a cranial length of 184 mm and a index over 80. This peculiarity they share with the few known Brachycephalic crania of the Upper Paleolithic. Again, reminiscent of the Upper Paleolithic skulls in the ruggedness of muscular marking, the prominence of the brow-ridge and occipital lines and the depth and breadth of the mandible.” The only other population group with this type of skull were the Adena mound builders of the Ohio Valley.
     The skulls of the Dinaric are described as being tall, short heads, a high bridge of the nose and the back of the head appearing “cut away” at the back. Facial prognathism or a jutting upper jaw is also present. On the left is a Dinaric skull from England, on the right is a Dinaric skull from Ohio
     The Dinaric spread through conquest out of the Caucasus into central Germany to Northern France. From France, the Dinarics advanced into the British Isles. Another group of seafaring Dinarics is found throughout the Mediterranean. There is evidence that the Dinarics were in the Levant at the time of the Amorites. Several of the Dinaric skulls were found in Palestine and Israel, that at first were believed to be Peruvian skulls, however, identical skulls were found and it was realized that these unique head shapes represented a different type of people. One of these skulls was found in Damascus, within the realm of the Amorites and Og.