Monday, May 22, 2023

Rephaim Giants Megalithic Remains in the Biblical Lands


Rephaim Giants Megalithic Remains in the Biblical Lands

Gilgal or stone circle located on the Golan Heights.  This was constructed by the accounted giants in the Bible, called the Nephilim, Rephiam, Shades or by their historic tribal name of Amorites. Canals like those in ancient Babylon (Amorites) are documented in North America : Babylonian Amorite's Canals and Dolmans Described Along the Rock River in Illinois

     The Late Stone Age.-Of Neolithic men in Palestine much more is known. This knowledge comes in part from the numerous cromlechs, menhirs, dolmans, and “gilgals” which are scattered over eastern Palestine. A cromlech is a heap of stones roughly resembling a pyramid, a menhir is a group of unhewn stones so set in the earth as to stand upright like columns; a dolman consists of a large unhewn stone which rests on two others which separate it from the earth, and a “gilgal” is a group of menhirs set in a circle. These monuments are the remains of men of the stone age who dwelt here before the dawn of history. They were probably erected by some of those peoples whom the Hebres called Rephaim or “shades”-people who, having lived long before, were dead at the time of Hebrew occupation.
Dolman in the land of the Amorite Giants in present day Jordan

    Professor Sayce, states that the hillside sof Moab are covered with the cromlechs of these peoples, and their dolmans extend into North Africa…’The cromlechsconsisting of a cairn of stones approached by a short passage, or circle of upright blocks, are characteristic of the countries in which the blondes were once settled.