Smithsonian Bureau of Ethnology Claim the Winnebago Sioux Were the Effigy Mound Builders in Wisconsin and Ohio
The Tremper mound in Scioto county may have been constructed by the early Winnebago Hopewell Sioux mound builders. Discover the Serpent Mound swallowing an egg exactly like the Great Serpent Mound in Ohio located in Chicago, Illinois : Serpent Mound Discovered Within Chicago's City Limits
Bureau of Ethnology Bulletin 8, 1889 "According to a Winnebago tradition, mounds in certain localities in Wisconsin were built by that tribe." There are a few distinct effigy mounds in Ohio, but are not commonly found around earthwork complexes, these may have been constructed by a related, yet distinct tribe of the Sioux Indians.
Evidence of the Winnebago Indians as part of the Hopewell Confederacy is Here