Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Nephilim Graveyard Discovered on the Banks of the White River at an Earthen Temple in Winchester, Indiana


Nephilim Graveyard Discovered on the Banks of the White River at an Earthen Temple in Winchester, Indiana

Enclosure at Winchester, Indiana where numerous "large" skeletons were taken from the bank of the White River.  For the location of the Adena giants earthwork in Winchester, Indiana. : Location of the Winchester, Indiana Adena Hopewell Earthwork

History of Randolph County, Indiana, by E. Tucker 1882
There are many antiquities in Randolph County, mounds, embankments, etc., some of which are described be. One of the best known is to be seen (partly) in the fair grounds northwest of Winchester. It is an enclosure of forty-three acres in the form of an exact square. The embankment was from seven to ten feet wide, as also having a mound in the center of the area fifteen feet high. The whole enclosure and the embankment also, when found by the first settlers, was covered with large forest trees exactly like the adjacent regions. The eastern opening was unprotected, the western one was surrounded outwardly by an embankment shaped like a horse shoe open toward the gate, joined on the north side to the embankment, but left open on the south side of the gate for a passage to the outer grounds The embankment has been considerably lowered throughout the greater portion of its extent by cultivation, by the passage of highways, etc., but it is still several feet high, and is very plainly traceable along its entire extent. Some of the bank on the south side toward the southeast corner still remains as it existed at the first settlement of the country. That part is now some six feet high, and perhaps twenty-five feet wide. A large portion of the eastern bank has lately been dug away for the purpose of brick making, and it is said that charcoal is found scattered throughout the mass of clay composing the embankment. On the side of the creek not very far distant were gravel banks containing great quantities of human bones, which are said to have been hauled away by wagon loads. These skeletons were many of them large, but bones were much decayed and crumbled readily when disturbed and brought out to the air.