Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Sacred Spring with a Ceremonial or Sacrificial Stone Bowl of the Ohio Mound Builders Near the Serpent Mound

 Sacred Spring with a Ceremonial or Sacrificial Stone Bowl of the Ohio Mound Builders Near the Serpent Mound

Sacred carved bowl found in the Ohio Valley, located on a tributary of Brush Creek. Further upstream on Brush Creek is the Serpent Mound.  Discover another sacred spring in Coshocton County, Ohio where from a earthen circle a red stone road ran down to a spring. This is all Celtic.  
www.nephilimgiants.net : Red Stone Causeway Described in Coshocton, Ohio from an Earthen Circle to A Spring. Veneration to the Celtic Goddess Airmid?

Overflow channel has been carved into the bowl that is fed by a spring. What appears to be additional carved grooves can be seen to the left and the right.

Iron oxides from the spring can be seen in this photo.  This would indicate that this spring and bowl was associated with the Earth Mother.

The spring still feeds into the ceremonial bowl after 2,000 years.

Another view of the ceremonial bowl being fed by the spring. Springs were interpreted as portals to the underworld.

Above the spring is this rock shelf.  Are these indentations carved or natural?

The site is located off of this small stream that run into Brush Creek.

I discovered this sacred carved stone bowl that is also fed by a spring in Wabash County, Indiana.