Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Winter at the Newark, Ohio Octagon and Great Henge

 Winter at the Newark, Ohio Octagon and Great Henge

The earthwork complex at Newark Ohio was dedicated to both the Moon and Earth Mother Goddess.  The octagon is aligned to the minumum and maximum moon sets that occur over an 18 year period.  The large henge to the south is aligned to the May 1 sunrise.  For more photos of the Newark earthworks : Newark Ohio Earthwork Complex Photo Essay

Newark Circular Henge is best seen in the winter months.  It is maintained by the Ohio Historical Society who lets the ditches grow thick in grass obstructing its view.

Newark Octagon
The Newark, Ohio octagon is best viewed in the winter months when there are no golfers.  It is well maintained in the summer also by the golf course and another example of why all of Ohio's earthworks should be managed and  maintained and preserved by the private sector.