Saturday, October 7, 2023

Adena Stone Hilltop Enclosure with a Stone Burial Mound: known as Glenford Fort

 Adena Stone Hilltop Enclosure with a Stone Burial Mound: known as Glenford Fort

Glenford Fort was purchased by a non-profit organization. The central stone burial mound was restored. The field is still planted, so going to the mound is trespassing in the planting season along with the fact that the mound is left overgrown in the summer making the mound look like an elevated patch of weeds. Like 90% of ancient mound and earthwork sites it is best to visit in the winter months. In central and southern Ohio, the best dates are from Dec. 1 - April 1.  A good example of visiting in the winter is Fort Hill. Go in the summer and you will have a hard time seeing the stone wall or traversing the area within the enclosure. Go in the winter! : Fort Hill Serpentine Enclosure in Highland County, Ohio

Located in Glenford, Perry County. It is a 27-acre Adena culture hilltop enclosure of sandstone boulders, the earthwork was in use between B.C.-500 A.D.

This is what the stone burial mound looked like before restoration. In the winter the once six-foot stone walls that are now one foot can be traced around the perimeter of the hilltop. 

The stone sacred via that leads up to the top of the hill and enclosure is still visible. Was this via natural or cut by the builders of the complex? We were unable to determine. Continuing down this path to the bottom of the hilltop is a rectangular earthwork.