Is the Mothman the Sumerian Demon Pazuzu?
Discover more ties to the Demonic world and the Nephilim and their relationship with Lilith. : Lilith: Mother of the Nephilim Giants. The "Lilim" are the 'Nephilim."
With clear ties between the Adena and the ancient Nephilim, is it possible that who we call
Mothman is a reincarnation of the Sumerian demon called Pazuzu?
From the Amorite Babylonians came a demon called Pazuzu. It is that winged, dog faced
creature they find at the beginning of the movie, the Exorcists. Native Americans drew a
giant dog faced winged creature on a cliff in Alton Illinois and another in Logan County, KY,
with tales that this creature haunted the extent of the Ohio river that would have included the
Ohio Valley and Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Native Americans called this creature, Piasu.
It is also of interest that both Alton Illinois and Logan County Kentucky are known for
their paranormal activity.
Piasu and Pazuzu are close etmologically. There must be a connection.

Another Piasu was depicted on a rock face in Logan County, Ketucky
The Piasu
“On the flat face of a high rock were painted
in red, black and green a pair of
monsters, each as large as a calf,
with horns like a deer, red eyes, a
beard like a tiger, and a frightful expression of countenance.
The face is something like
that of a man, the body covered with
scales; and the tail so long that it
passes entirely around the body,
over the head and between the legs"
Is it a coincidence that these demons with similar physical attributes and names are actually the same demon known as Piazu?
On a trip to photograph a burial mound in Gallipolis, Ohio that is located on the opposite side of the Ohio River from Point Pleasant, I encountered the only paranormal activity in my years of burial mound research. It wasn't until I arrived home that I was told about the Mothman.
This is a photograph of the burial mound at the Gallipolis, Ohio cemetery that sits on a high bluff overlooking the Ohio River.
View from the cemetery at Gallipolis, Ohio. In the distance is the famous bridge that collapsed. More significant is the mouth of the Kanawha River. The Kanawha flows to Charleston West Virginia that was the capital city of the Adena (Allegewi) mound builders. Large burial mounds and giant skeletons were found in great numbers in the city of Charleston.
One of two henges at Charlestown, West Virginia with a circumference of 666