Monday, June 3, 2024

Large Human Skeleton Found in Mound Near Chillicothe, in Ross County, Ohio

 Large Human Skeleton Found in Mound Near Chillicothe, in Ross County, Ohio 

History of Chillicothe County, 1946
Large Human Skeleton Uncovered in Stone Mound
  “Fifty-four years ago a stone mound was opened on a hilltop near the Colonel’s house [Colonel Pren Methams]…
   A rock pile eighteen feet square and five feet deep, composed of sandstone layers, was removed, revealing a sepulcher floored with a large, flat sandstone, and walled with sandstone slabs. On the floor lay part of a skull, a thigh bone, teeth and a few other fragments of a skeleton. The thigh bone indicated the dead to have been of unusual height, more than seven feet.”